Southwalk Park Galleries
40th Anniversary Annual Open 2024
2 November - 14 December 2024 // Lake Gallery
Southwark Park Galleries
Annual Open Exhibition 2023
11th November - 9th December
Southwark Park Gallery Open
Embodied Daily Practice
Online Project / Zine
I am part of a collaborative project involving 19 cross-disciplinary makers who together are entering into a slow conversation about embodiment and making in our daily lives. Each artist will respond to the person before them. Curated by Dr Rebecca Bell the resulting work will be published as a Zine in 2025.
‘Radiophrenia’, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow
Stay at Home
‘37th Annual Open Exhibition’, Southwark Park Galleries, London
‘Right-Ear Dominant’, Earlid (www.earlid.org)
‘Radiophrenia’, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow
‘Conversations’, Aren’t Audio Guide (www.arent.guide)
‘Radiophrenia’, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow
‘Sound Mirror’, Folkestone Fringe, Folkestone
‘So Lonely’, Embassy Gallery, Edinburgh
‘Offline Print Fair’, Embassy Tea Gallery, London
‘Neither Here Nor There’, Morden Park Hall, London
‘The Quiet and the Still", Transmission Arts, Free103point9 Online Radio, USA
‘Multiplied Art Fair 2012’, Christie's South Kensington, London
‘Boat Radio’, Transmission Commission, Folkestone Fringe
‘Show RCA 2012’, Royal College of Art, London
‘L.H.O.O.Q.E.R.II’, The Queen Charlotte, Ramsgate, Kent
‘Second Show’, Café Gallery, Southwark Park, London
‘A Future Pump House: Ideas, Thoughts and Plans’, Pump House Gallery, Battersea
‘If Not Now TV’, www.ifnotnow.rca.ac.uk
‘Art: Free For All’, Alexandra Palace, London
‘RCA Interim Show’, Royal College of Art, South Kensington
‘First Show’, Café Gallery, Southwark Park, London
‘RCA Secret’, Royal College of Art, London